This training course introduces concepts to define (or convert) paper-based laboratory methods for SampleManager. Using practical examples users will learn how to create and execute methods that ensure more accurate and consistent laboratory operations.

Course Details

Who should attend this course:

  • Project Team members involved in implementing SampleManager
  • Advanced users and new hires requiring a certificate on the latest product version
  • Consultants who require a fundamental knowledge of LIMS deployments
  • SampleManager Application Managers
  • System Managers responsible for SampleManager maintenance

*Please Note: It is recommended that students attend and complete the 5 day Data Configuration for SampleManager course in advance of attending the SampleManager LES course.

What students should expect learn:

  • A clear understanding of SampleManager LES
  • Examined in-depth the key SampleManager LES functionality:
    • Lab Method Configuration
    • Lab Execution
    • Lab Execution Review
    • Reporting
    • SampleManager Integration
    • The ability to login Samples in an increasingly efficient way.
  • The knowledge allowing you to map your laboratory processes to SampleManager functionality.

Course Schedule

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