This three day course is a continuation of the SampleManager Forms course which provides the basis for adding C# coding to Forms to enhance their capabilities. This course is an essential part of becoming a SampleManager Forms expert.

Course Details

Delivered in a classroom style by one of our expert education consultants, the course uses a hands-on approach with real life data where appropriate. You will receive a certificate on completion of the course, and comprehensive course notes that can be used as reference material.

Please note that this course may be attended in a virtual mode or in person mode in North America. When registering please note your preference of attendance: Virtual or In-person.

What students can expect to learn:

  • How to make a .Net DLL available to SampleManager
  • Integrate a Task with a Folder
  • How to customize SampleManager
  • Reference Standard SampleManager DLL's
  • Modify Data
  • Create visualizations driven by C#
  • Localize Language on Forms
  • How to Create a Dashboard

Who should attend this course:

  • Experienced SampleManager users
  • Students wishing to customize SampleManager

Please Note: This course assumes that you are already familiar with, and have programming experience in C#.

Course Schedule

Start DateLocationStatus
There are no "SampleManager Forms using C#" courses scheduled at this time