In this five day foundation course you will acquire the fundamental knowledge you need to understand and use the standard Nautilus LIMS product. It serves as an essential stepping stone to becoming a Nautilus expert.

Course Details

Delivered in a classroom style by one of our expert education consultants, the course is practical whilst covering the fundamentals of using the main features within Nautilus. You will receive a certificate on completion of the course, and comprehensive course notes that can be used as reference material.

Please note that this course may be attended in a virtual mode or in person mode in North America. When registering please note your preference of attendance: Virtual or In-person.

Who should attend this course:

  • Project Team members involved in implementing Nautilus
  • Advanced users and new hires requiring a certificate on the latest product version
  • Consultants who require a fundamental knowledge of LIMS deployments
  • Nautilus application managers
  • System Managers responsible for Nautilus maintenance.

What should students expect to learn:

  • An understanding of LIMS
  • Develop a clear understanding of Nautilus
  • Examine in-depth the key Nautilus functionality
  • The knowledge required to be able to map Nautilus features to your laboratory processes.

Course Schedule

Start DateLocationStatus
12-Aug-2024 West Palm Beach, FL, US
12-Aug-2024 Virtual - Americas
21-Oct-2024 Virtual - Europe, Middle East, and Africa
16-Dec-2024 West Palm Beach, FL, US
16-Dec-2024 Virtual - Americas